29. September 2022

Description 2023

last change: 17. April 2023

1. Date and venue

The 2nd Ultratrail Fränkische Schweiz will take place on Saturday, April 22, 2023 in Ebermannstadt.

2. Organizer and patronage

Ultratrailrunning Erlangen e. V.
Fließbachstraße 6, 91052 Erlangen

Mrs. Christiane Meyer
Mayor Ebermannstadt

3. Race director

Johannes Hendel
Phone 0172 835 27 47
eMail: info@ut-fs.de

4. Registration, closing date and change and late registration

Registration for the Registration for the 2nd Ultratrail Fränkische Schweiz opens on 03 October 2022 and can be reached via the website www.ultratrail-fraenkische-schweiz.de/anmeldung and via www.raceresult.com

Deadline for registration is April 15, 2023.
There are no late registrations.

Change registration is possible until April 15, 2023 for a processing fee of 15.00 EUR.

A return of purchased starting places is not possible.

Startplatz-Tauschgeschäfte über die UTFS Tauschbörse sind ebenfalls nur bis einschl. 15. April 2023 möglich.

5. Route offers and fees

The 2023 UTFS features two high-profile competition courses. In addition to the main competition, the Ultratrail, there is a half-distance, the Speedtrail.


GPX files will be published in advance, but not before the finalization of the route. The publication will be announced via newsletter Route sketches and elevation profiles can be viewed on the respective route pages.

The route is marked. Markings may be missing or altered due to rain, vandalism, etc. Participants are responsible for finding the route even without markings, through the use of additional navigation.

6. Start/Finish

For both the Ultra- and the Speedtrail, the start and finish area is centrally located at the market place of the city of Ebermannstadt. Am Marktplatz 91320 Ebermannstadt

7. Timekeeping and checkpoints

The timekeeping will be installed and supervised by the partner Race Result. The timekeeping is a gross timekeeping. There will be more timings on the course.

8. Start- and Cut-Off-Times / Food Points

At the food points (VP) water and isotonic drinks, as well as food containing energy will be distributed. It is requested to bring your own drinking container. There are no disposable cups at the VPs!

9. Start number distribution

Friday, April 21, 2023

Ausgabe der Startnummern von 17:00 bis 20:00 Uhr in der Stadthalle Ebermannstadt, Georg-Wagner-Straße 14 in 91320 Ebermannstadt.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Issue of start numbers from 05:00 to 06:30 for the Ultratrail and until 11:30 for the Speedtrail at the information desk of the start and finish area, at the marketplace in 91320 Ebermannstadt.

The race number can only be issued in person upon presentation of a valid photo ID and the signed disclaimer (DE) and privacy policy (DE).

The race day is tightly timed. If possible, collection the day before is requested.

10. Official raceshirt powered by Karpos

The official UTFS Raceshirt 2023 powered by Karpos is exclusively available at registration and remaining stock at the information desk on site at a price of 39,00 EUR. Only while stocks last.

11. Service

The scope of services of a paid registration includes the following items:

12. Overnight stays

At the market place of the city of Ebermannstadt as well as in the immediate vicinity there are numerous overnight accommodations. In addition to hotels, there is the possibility to stay in inns, apartments or camping. Furthermore, there is a parking lot for campers / caravans.

13. Parking and arrival by public transport

There are designated public parking spaces that can be accessed via the parking guidance system. It is requested to form carpools if possible.

Arrival by public transport is possible via Deutsche Bahn. The station is 500m from the market square and 1km from the town hall.

14. Showers and locker rooms

Showers and locker rooms are located in the Stadthalle Ebermannstadt, Georg-Wagner-Straße 14 in 91320 Ebermannstadt.

15. Clothes bag

Clothes bags can be dropped off. The place and time of delivery is yet to be communicated. The clothes bag must be marked with the start number sticker enclosed in the starting documents. Valuables will not be accepted. No liability will be assumed for the delivery of garment bags.

16. Race briefing and starting grid

The race briefing will take place on Friday, April 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Stadthalle Ebermannstadt.

An abstract will be published online in digital form.


Immediately after the closing of the start number distribution, the last and most current information about the race will in the start and finish area at the market place from 06:30 to 06:45 be provided. Participation is mandatory.

The starting grid will be taken from 06:45. The starting signal will be given punctually at 07:00.


Also after the closing of the race number distribution, in the start and finish area at the market place from 11:30 to 11:45 the last and most current information about the race will be given . Participation is mandatory.

From 11:45 a.m. the starting grid will be taken. The starting signal will be given punctually at 12:00.

17. Equipment recommendation

To participate in the Ultratrail Franconian Switzerland no mandatory equipment is required
and there will be no controls. However, a clear
recommendation is made. The recommendation for adequate equipment includes:

Ultratrail & Speedtrail

*there are no disposable cups at the VPs! Therefore, it is requested to bring your own drinking container.

18. Categories / Classes

For both the Ultra and Speedtrail the following classification classes apply:

19. ITRA and DUV

The Ultratrail Fränkische Schweiz is an official race of the International Trailrunning Association (ITRA).


ITRA points: 3
Mountain Level: 4
Finisher Level: 414


ITRA points: 2
Mountain Level: 4
Finisher Level: 324

Athletes with an ITRA Performance Index of >= 800 for men and >= 680 for women are eligible for a free start. A free start code can be requested by sending an email to info@ut-fs.de.

The Ultratrail Fränkische Schweiz is listed in the statistics of the Deutschen Ultramarathon-Vereinigung e. V.

20. Program and map

21. Abandonment / race abandonment

In case of abandonment, the race management must be informed immediately (Tel. 0172 835 27 47). There is
no right to pick up. Any charges incurred by cab or public
transportation are the responsibility of the participant.

22. Disqualification

In case of excessive demands, unsportsmanlike conduct, shortcuts, use of vehicles, throwing away of garbage, it is at the discretion of the race management to disqualify participants and
exclude them from the event.

23. Participation

Participation is possible from the age of 18 and only with complete health and required
training condition.

24. Hygiene measures

The event will be held in accordance with the current
Bavarian Corona Protection Ordinance. The measures in force at that time must be followed. The organizer can make use of the domiciliary rights.

25. Environmental and animal protection

Environmentally responsible behavior by all participants is a prerequisite. The much appreciated nature of Franconian Highlands should be left as it was found. Trash can be disposed of at the aid stations or in the start and finish areas. Attention to flora and fauna is requested. When encountering animals, appropriate and respectful behavior is assumed.

26. General notes

Start numbers and thus the starting permit will only be issued with signed and handed over disclaimer (DE) and privacy policy (DE).

The organizer reserves the right to change the route, shorten, cancel or terminate
the race for good cause. In case of an unforeseen
postponement (e.g. due to bad weather, corona or force majeure), there is no basic right to a refund. The organizer will try everything to find a satisfactory solution for all parties involved, if necessary by transferring the starting places to a make-up date.

Participation in the run is at your own risk. The route is not closed off or monitored. In some cases there is a danger of falling. On roads, the StVO must be obeyed and traffic must be observed. The announcements of course marshals as well as the UTFS helper team must be followed.

Only those who have the confidence to assess and evaluate
dangers in a racing atmosphere should participate.


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